2011年11月7日 星期一

"Out of Sight" (2010)

虞雅婷+葉亞璇+鍾玲 Ya-Ting Yu (Evaty), Ya-Hsuan Yeh (Kynight), Ling Chung

Out of Sight現場裝置與動畫527秒,2010

這是由台灣藝術大學多媒體動畫藝術學系 95級的三位畢業生所製作的畢業短片故事是敘述一位小女孩因為被搶劫而離開原本熟悉的道路,在穿過籬笆後的未知世界,靠著視覺以外的感官展開一場大冒險。全片採取水彩繪製的背景與手繪動畫搭配的製作方式,以繪本式的用色和簡單的人物造型呈現小女孩想像中的世界。

Out of Sight, Installation & Animation, 5 min 27 sec, 2010.

This is a graduation Production made by three students graduated from the National Taiwan University of Arts. The main character of little girl in the story confronts a robbery and strays from the road she is familiar with. After passing a hedge, she enters an unknown world and unfolds a magical adventure depending on senses other than vision and her imagination. With soft and cute colors as the main key, we used simple designs to depict the little girls' imaginary world.

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