2011年11月7日 星期一


紀柏舟 Po-Chou Chi


既風格華麗的電腦動畫《回憶抽屜》之後,經歷幾年沈潛,有了這部新的作品[光之塔] 雖然是2D而非3D電腦動畫,然而這次的作品嘗試以「故事」為主軸,希望能反璞歸真,回到動畫與影片的本質。我相信好的故事與訴說意涵是創作的靈魂,因此這次創作特地回歸樸實的手繪風格,希望能帶給觀者更深切的共鳴,找尋最原始而單純的感動。

The Lighthouse, Animation, 7 min 30 sec, 2010.

“The Lighthouse” is a story which is about parents support their children to make their dreams come true. No matter what happened, parents will be always looking for their children, just like the lighthouse waiting for the boats.

After” The Drawer of Memory”, I want to do something more simply and focus on the story telling.” The Lighthouse “is my second independent animation film, and the story idea is according by myself. This time I didn’t do 3D animation but try to draw by hand. Hope my film can make the audience feel more touching. 

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