2011年11月7日 星期一

漫.動.畫Comics vs. Animation

藝術家 artists


  Comics relate plots and stories through the workings of images, lines, and words, and the reader has more freedom in deciding his/her perspective in the reading process. Animation, on the other hand, tells stories and explores themes with not only images but also such crucial factors as time and music; in this way, the viewer gains entrance into the creator’s imaginary world through the pull of the moving visuals. In the Comics v.s. Animation section, we invited VOFANCola KingXieduoEvaty Yu, either contemporary artists or animators, to re-construct either the studio spaces where they create art or the process of developing their creative impetus, all in front of the exhibition spectators. In this manner, the spectators can trace the progression of the animation and comic artists’ work, from inspiration to finished product. The setup aims to provide for the spectators a window through which they can peek and gain understanding of the inner workings of the artists, as well as their creative process. 

